Born2Be Translator

รับแปลเอกสาร แปลภาษา ไทย-อังกฤษ อังกฤษ-ไทย
Thai-English English-Thai Translations  

Language Solutions


Born2be Translator offers professional translation and content writing services in Thai and English. With over 9 years of experience in the field of language solutions, our portfolio of services has covered almost everything from translating various types of documents to producing compelling copy and ghostwriting. We are committed to providing you with the highest quality contents that communicate effectively and meet your objectives.

Previous work

- Theses (Thai/English)
- Children story books (Thai to English)
- Educational materials (Thai/English)
- Travel & tourism articles (Thai/English)
- Slide presentation (Thai/English)
- Websites (Thai/English)
- Product descriptions (Thai/English)
- Website contents (Thai/English)
- Brochure copy (Thai/English)
- Blog posts (medical tourism, travel & leisure, etc) (Thai/English)
- Press release (Thai)
- Magazine articles (Thai/English)
- SEO copy (Thai/English)


Apart from delivering great service, we really want to save you time and money. You can always contact us for a cost estimate or quote. Our pricing structure is based on the subject matter and turnaround time. We can offer either per word charges or per page charges whichever is the most effective solution for you. If you require other language services that aren't listed here, please also call or drop us a line. 

Payment (Bank transfer)

  • Kasikornbank (Central Latphrao)
    Savings account:  no. 730-2-74729-0 / Veena Mekritthikrai
  • Bangkok Bank (Central Latphrao)
    Savings account:  no. 068-0-23443-2 / Veena Mekritthikrai
  • Siam Commercial Bank (Asok)
    Savings account:  no. 032-471410-3 / Veena Mekritthikrai


Tel. :  085 801 7968
Line ID: vgibz

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